Report is not printed on remote AS/400 partner even though the transfer was successful.
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Report is not printed on remote AS/400 partner even though the transfer was successful.


Article ID: 36602


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


Report not Printed on the Remote Side after Successful Transfer


Component: XCAS4

AS/400 i5/OS


When the remote system is an AS/400, and if the parameter COPIES=000, CA XCOM Data Transport determines the number of copies from the printer device file.

If the remote system is not an AS/400, the COPIES parameter should be set to at least 001 or the report will not be printed or retained on the remote partner, even if the transfer is successful. The default value of this parameter can be changed using the command CHGSFOPT (Change Send File Options).

See Chapter 5 of the CA XCOM Data Transport for AS/400 i5/OS Getting Started manual for details on how to use the CHGSFOPT  command.