Users that are receiving errors for various commands not found due to the commands not being included the the TSOCMDS load module that his/her ACF2 ID is referencing.
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Users that are receiving errors for various commands not found due to the commands not being included the the TSOCMDS load module that his/her ACF2 ID is referencing.


Article ID: 36566


Updated On:


File Master Plus for IMS File Master Plus for DB2 for z/OS


Users that are receiving errors for various commands not found due to the commands not being included the the TSOCMDS load module that his/her ACF2 ID is 
How do I add to the ACF2 TSOCMDS member(s)?


Commands not being included in the TSOCMDS load module that their ACF2 ID is referencing. 


"Security Considerations"

If you use ACF2 and the TSO Command Limiting function, add the File Master Plus for IMS commands to the restricted commands list for any TSO users who use the File Master Plus for IMS ISPF interface.

Follow these steps:

1. Open member CAWKACF2 in cai.CBDISAMP.
2. Add the $TSOCMDS statements to all applicable CA ACF2 restricted command lists.

ACF2 security for z/OS is added.