I added a line to a resource rule and during the compile got message: ACF70044 RULE RECORD LARGER THAN MAXIMUM SIZE ALLOWED - COMPILER TERMINATING
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I added a line to a resource rule and during the compile got message: ACF70044 RULE RECORD LARGER THAN MAXIMUM SIZE ALLOWED - COMPILER TERMINATING


Article ID: 36539


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC PanApt PanAudit


I added a line to a resource rule and during the compile got message: ACF70044 RULE RECORD LARGER THAN MAXIMUM SIZE ALLOWED - COMPILER TERMINATING  What are the options?




Component: ACF2MS


There are really only two.  One is to use NEXTKEY and break up the rule into smaller pieces.  The other is to use RULELONG and increase the size of the databases.  This is not always the best option if only a few rules need NEXTKEY since ACF2 will GETMAIN a size equal to the largest rule for each user.  For more information on the use of RULELONG, see information solution LI40774.