What is the allowed maximum length for CA Mobile OTP pin accepted by SDK(Mobile library for Android, IOS and Windows phone) for both numeric and alpha numeric pin types?
Use Case: We are developing a customized mechanism to implement the IOS TouchID feature to generate mobile OTP. Basically the implementation allows the user to protect the CA Mobile OTP password with TouchID. Using the TouchID the password is provided to the mobile App which unlocks the CA Mobile OTP. All the implementation will be developed using AOTP SDK. At this moment we are using an algorithm which is generating password 192 characters long. Is it possible to use this password with AOTP SDK as pin?
CA Mobile OTP Library (for Android,IOS and Windows phone) - version 8.1 and onwards
From SDK perspective there is no limitations implemented with respect to pin length. So random string of any length can be used as CA Mobile OTP pin when SDK is used for integration.