IDMSTUNE fails with the following errors.
DB002994 Tnnn C0M333: IDMSTUNE - Database error 0002 in area area-name
DB002994 Tnnn C0M333: IDMSTUNE - Index index-name occurrence db-key
DB002994 Tnnn C0M333: IDMSTUNE - Skipping this index occurrence
Release: All supported releases.
The 0002 database error indicates IDMSTUNE encountered an invalid DBKEY. It corresponds to an IDMS minor code 02:
IDMS has attempted to access a record directly by its db-key, but the db-key is not within the page range of the area to which the record is assigned.
It could be due to a problem with the index structure itself or in the members.
Run IDMSDBAN to check the area and index named in the IDMSTUNE messages. The index may need to be rebuilt if IDMSDBAN shows errors in it.