Clear alarms from command line
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Clear alarms from command line


Article ID: 36474


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


Is there a way to clear  Autosys alarms with a command line utility?
If not, can alarms be cleared by directly updating the appropriate record in the alarm table?



Release: All versions of AutoSys
Component: ATSYS


By default, the archive_events command deletes any alarm from the ujo_alarm table that is associated with an event in table ujo_proc_event.

archive_events is executed from the $AUTOSYS/bin/DBMaint script. 

In this script, look into this piece of code: 

# Archive the Events 
archive_events -A -n 7 -b 50000 >> $outfile 2>&1 
ecode=`expr $? + $ecode` 

Where n = num_days 
(Optional) Deletes records older than the num_days value from the ujo_proc_event and ujo_event2 tables. The num_days value indicates the number of days to leave events and their associated alarms in the database. When a row in the table exceeds this value, the product deletes it. 

Therefore you have to look into the -n option. If it is set to high value you could decrease it to 7 or 3 days. 

Otherwise you can run an sql command to delete alarms based on a time stamp: 

First of all you have to get the Autosys internal time with the time0 utility 

For example if you would like to delete alarms older than Jan 16th 2016, the command is

time0 -T "01/16/2016 00:00" 

CAUAJM_I_50099 Autotime(internal): 1452920400 

Now you can use this epoch time to plug into your SQL delete statements: 


With Autosys 11.0

delete from mdbadmin.ujo_alarm where alarm_time < 1452920400; 

With Autosys 11.3.x

 delete from aedbadmin.ujo_alarm where alarm_time < 1452920400; 


Note:  You can run a “ select count(*) from mdbadmin.ujo_alarm; “ before and after this sql delete statement 

If you prefer to delete all of them, regardless their date, you can adjust the previous sql command for your current day or truncate the alarm table 

Additional Information

For more details on archive_events command see

For more details on DBMaint, see