Is there a command that will provide the version of OpenSSL that is being used with CA XCOM Data Transport for z/OS ?
Yes, you can issue the command from within OMVS on your z/OS system:
openssl version
gives for example:
$ openssl version
OpenSSL 0.9.6a 5 Apr 2001
Issuing the command with the parameter -a :
openssl version -a
gives further information, including build date, platform setting and compiler options, such as:
$ openssl version -a
OpenSSL 0.9.6a 5 Apr 2001
built on: Mon Jul 8 15:35:39 EDT 2002
platform: OS390-Unix
options: bn(32,32) md2(char) rc4(idx,char) des(ptr,cisc,16,long) idea(int) blow