When a CICS transaction updates multiple databases it runs under the control of Resource Recovery Services (RRS). If the two-phase commit process fails for some reason message DFHRM0129 is issued:
DFHRM0129 date time applid Intersystem communication failure. Resource updates are being backed out. Local resources may be out of
sync with those on the remote system. Failure date mm/dd/yy failure time hh:mm:ss remote system DBNTRY01 transaction tranid task
number trannum terminal termid user userid network UOW netuowid local UOW X'localuowid'.
The message gives the MUF name as DBNTRY01. How can this be mapped to a specific MUF name?
Release: All supported releases.
The name of the MUF will be identified in the CICS message as DBNTRY01, DBNTRY02 up to DBNTRY99. Since multiple MUFs can be connected to a CICS system, the MUFs are identified by a suffix 01, 02, up to 99.
To determine which MUFs relate to which DBNTRYnn name, issue the CICS command DBEC I,MUF(??) to display all the MUFs defined.
The sequence in which they are displayed determines what suffix will be used in DBNTRYnn.
The first MUF will be DBNTRY01, the second DBNTRY02 and so on.