I have installed CA LDAP Server the started task abends with RC=09 and message: CEE3512S An HFS load of module libslapd.dll failed. What would cause this error?
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I have installed CA LDAP Server the started task abends with RC=09 and message: CEE3512S An HFS load of module libslapd.dll failed. What would cause this error?


Article ID: 36175


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I have installed CA LDAP Server the started task abends with RC=09 and message: CEE3512S An HFS load of module libslapd.dll failed. What would cause this error?


CA LDAP Server abends during startup with CEE errors related load errors or

failures in DLL libslapd.dll can be cused by having the wrong or no OMVS HOME

directory specified for the CA LDAP Server OMVS Profile record.



CA LDAP Server abends during startup with CEE errors related load errors or

failures in DLL libslapd.dll can be cused by having the wrong or no OMVS HOME

directory specified for the CA LDAP Server OMVS Profile record. The CA LDAP

Server installation directory should be specified for the HOME directory in the

OMVS Profile directory for the CA LDAP Server's logonid.


CEE errors such as the following may appear in the stderr file for the CA LDAP Server.


CEE3559S External variable slapd_CA_itimer was not found in DLL libslapd.dll. 

CEE3561S External function lutil_csnstr was not found in DLL libslapd.dll.

CEE3512S An HFS load of module libslapd.dll failed. 


To address the error change the HOME in the job to the directory name where you 

installed LDAP. For example:



CHANGE ldapserver HOME(/u/users/ldapinstallationdirectory)


Where ldapserver is the logonid that the CA LDAP Server runs under as shown

in the ACF9CCCD message, and ldapinstallationdirectory is the installation

directory for CA LDAP Server.


Additional Information:

Details on the OMVS USER Profile record can be found in the CA ACF2 for z/OS Administration Guide in Chapter 3: Maintaining Logonid Records section 'OMVS User Profile Data Records'.


Component: ACFLDP