Best practice for starting and stopping the SpectroSERVER process from the command line
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Best practice for starting and stopping the SpectroSERVER process from the command line


Article ID: 36158


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Best practice for starting and stopping the SpectroSERVER process from the command line.

Need to provide System Administrators ability to start and stop SpectroSERVER without being a member of Spectrum Users Group.  What is the command line syntax? 


Release: Any


Run the "" and "" scripts to start and stop the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager processes from the command line.

1. Log into the SpectroSERVER system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

2. If on Windows, open a bash shell by running "bash -login"

3. cd to the $SPECROOT/bin directory

4. Enter "./" to start the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager processes and "./" to stop the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager processes. 

NOTE: On Linux  these scripts should not be run as the root user.