May maintenance for CA GEN 8.5 be applied all at once?
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May maintenance for CA GEN 8.5 be applied all at once?


Article ID: 36140


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed



May all of the maintenance be APPLIED via the GEN8APYP member found in the SAMPJCL library at one time?


CA GEN release 8.5 


You may certainly RECEIVE all of the PTFS via the GEN7RECP job in the SAMPJCL at the same time.

Regarding APPLYing the PTFs, please order the PTFs in numeric order and stop at RO70569 when running the GEN8APYP job.

Next, please run the GEN7RECH job for the HOLDDATA and follow the actions before installing the IE1 PTFs.  

Then, continue to install the remaining PTFs in numeric order via GEN8APYP.  Some may require binds and that may be done at the end.

There is also action needed after the COBOL 5 PTFs are installed as the PARMLIB will need to be update.

Please be sure and review the job output for any needed actions.



Release: KGNDDL99000-8.5-Gen-DBP Developer License