Receive error when exporting to pdf: "Error occurred during report generation" Due to exceeding the limit of 600 maximum pages
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Receive error when exporting to pdf: "Error occurred during report generation" Due to exceeding the limit of 600 maximum pages


Article ID: 36111


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Using Adhoc view, you are unable to export to PDF and receive this error:

"Server Error: error occurred during report generation"

Error from the jasperserver.log:

ERROR AsyncThumbnailCreatorImpl,pool-16-thread-2:59 - net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Error occurred during report generation.
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Error occurred during report generation.
Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.governors.MaxPagesGovernorException: Report "xxxxxxxxxxxxxReport_tableDataset_xxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxx" exceeded the limit of 600 maximum pages.

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. In Clarity click on 'Home' -> 'Advanced Reporting'
  2. Under 'Adhoc Views' click on 'Create'
  3. Select 'Resource Management' and click on 'Choose Data...'
  4. Expand 'Resources in the Source column and drag over:
    • Resource Name
    • Resource Type
    • Click on 'OK' button
  5. Set the format from Cross-tab to Table
  6. Move 'Resource Name' and 'Resource Type' to the 'Columns' field
  7. Click on the export icon and select 'As PDF'

Expected Result: The data to be exported successfully into a pdf file.
Actual Result: The data doesn't get exported to a pdf file, instead you receive this error:

"Server Error

Error occurred during report generation"


Log into the Jaspersoft server and go into the Adhoc View Options and change it to:

  • Ad Hoc Filter List of Values Row Limit: Change it to 100,000
  • Ad Hoc Dataset Row Limit: Change it to 100,000
  • Ad Hoc Query Timeout (seconds): Leave it as 360

This setting requires a restart of the Jaspersoft server