The first steps for proxy-engine/tomcat to listen on an SSL port is to obtain a certificate & private key pair.
In fact, if the hostname used to access the ProxyUI is identical to the one used to access the sps server itself
which is usually the case, then the ProxyUI can use the cert+private key generated for the apache front end (self signed or otherwise).
Otherwise, a new cert+private key is required via steps 1-3 in the document on this page.
- Convert the certificate & private key into a .p12 object:
The first step is to convert the certificate (server.crt) and private key (server.key) into a .p12 object.
In the following example, having ca.cer as the issuing certificate, but that option may not be required (if it is a self-signed certificate).
Or a .pem file may be needed with all the certs in the trust chain as that parameter:
c:\> ..\bin\openssl pkcs12 -export -in server_x509.cer -inkey server.key -out mycert.p12 -name tomcat -CAfile ca.cer -caname root -chain
If asked for passwords to server.key, if there is one, and a password for the new mycert.p12 file.
- Create the tomcat java keystore from the .p12 object.
c:\> c:\{home_java}\bin\keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore mycert.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore tomcat.keystore.
A prompt for a password will raise to access mycert.p12, and new password for the created tomcat.keystore.
Note: The tomcat.keystore file needs to be installed in the secure-proxy/SSL/keys directory.
- Update the server.conf file:
Edit the following parameters in server.conf:
#To enable SSL for localapp uncomment next three parameters
- Storing the tomcat.keystore decrypt password:
To decrypt the tomcat.keystore proxy-engine needs the decrypt password, don't store it in the clear, so the following method adds the (encrypted) password to the file, and code in proxy-engine will decrypt it and use it to access the URL:
Change the bin directory & run the GenerateSSLConfig.bat command with keystorepass option:
c:\> cd \{home_SPS}\secure-proxy\bin
c:\> GenerateSSLConfig.Bat -keystorepass <password>
That generates output as follows:
INFO: Successfully written SSL configuration properties file in: C:\{home_sps}\Tomcat\properties\
- Restart the proxy-engine.
Restart the proxy-engine via the system services.
Check SSL comes up:
c:\> netstat -an | find "543"
Should show a process listening on port 543.
Otherwise, will need to look into server.log & nohup log for clues as to what has occurred.
- Access the ProxyUI on SSL port:
And a prompt to login will show up.