- Within the new Policy Domain, define a Realm named APSAdmin. This realm should be associated with the Agent or Agent Group corresponding to the Web Server(s) upon which this code was installed. Be sure to use this agent/agent group for this realm. The Resource Filter /APSAdmin/. The Authentication Scheme is whatever is appropriate for your site.
====== Web Server Configuration (For illustration purpose, we will use IIS 7.5 web server) ======
------ Define a virtual CGI directory for the directory that contains the APSAdmin CGI Program
- Open IIS Manager ( type "inetmgr.exe" in the Run window and click enter)
- Right Click on the Default Web Site and select Add Virtual Directory option. The virtual directory wizard opens.
Specify as following :
Alias : APSAdmin
Physical path : <Web_Agent_Installation_Directory>\win32\bin\Web\APSAdmin
Click Ok
------ Add ISAPI and CGI Restrictions for APSAdmin CGI
- Open IIS Manager and navigate to the server level.
- Double Click on ISAPI and CGI Restrictions
- From the Action menu click "Add" to add new restrictions
Specify as following :
ISAPI or CGI path: <Web_Agent_Installation_Directory>\win32\bin\Web\APSAdmin\APSAdmin.exe
Description : APSAdmin
Click Ok
------ Edit Feature Permissions for the Handler Mappings Feature for APSAdmin Virtual Directory
Open IIS Manager and navigate to the APSAdmin virtual directory level.
In the Features View , double click Handler Mappings.
In the Actions pane, click Edit Feature Permissions.
In the Edit Feature Permissions dialog box, do the following:
Specify as following :
Select Read
Select Scripts
Select Execute
Click Ok
------ Modify the default SmPortal.cfg file installed.
Note :
- If you have already configured Change Password (SMCPW) & Forgot Password (FPS) Interface following steps would probably have already been done.
- For Help Desk Interface, it actually doesn't have anything to do with the SmPortal.cfg configuration but due to a bug in the APS code, it is required that following settings are configured before you could access Help Desk Interface.
- In future releases, you might probably be able to do away with the following steps.
Edit the SmPortal.cfg file located at <Web_Agent_Installation_Directory>\win32\bin folder.
Specify as following :
MyServer.ip = <Your Policy Server IP address>
By default, FPS is configured with a 4x agent by name "FPS" with shared secret "secret"
Change password is configured with a 4x agent by name "SMCPW"" with shared secret "secret"
By logging into the Administrative UI create the matching 4x agent as below:
The final SmPortal.cfg should look like following :
------ Validate SmPortal.cfg configuration using the SmPortalVfy.exe tool located at <Web_Agent_Installation_Directory>\win32\bin folder. It should state the verification as successful as below :
------ Testing & Verification:
1. Access Help Desk Interface UI
e.g. http://<server.domain.com>/APSAdmin/APSAdmin.exe
2. Provide valid user credential
3. Once the access to the interface is authorized, you will be prompted to enter the USER DN of the user which you want to manage.
Enter the full user DN.
4. Next, screen should now show the User Information screen for the user.