Steps to configure and verify the E-Mail Alert on CA BSI
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Steps to configure and verify the E-Mail Alert on CA BSI


Article ID: 35862


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CA Business Service Insight


This document is an sample of how to configure the E-Mail Alert under CA Business Service Insight and also how to test if this is working


CA Business Insights

All Supported Operating Systems


Will have to verify that we have some things configured correctly:

-> Verify that the MSMQ are installed and working (Standalone or separate Application server and Web server), because the Alert depends on the MSMQ to work

-> You need to have an Email server to enable to send email from the Alert of CA BSI

-> You have to have an Email account to send the messages  

-> Verify that the Service “Oblicore – Alerts” is up and running

-> Under the HOSTS file it is a good Idea to put the IP and Host_Name of the Mail server.

-> Find that the Firewall is well set and that we can see the Mail server

1.   Verify that the MSMQ´s is installed and working properly:

Under the Server Manager:

This is the display under a Standalone Server

This is this what is displayed under the Server that is the Application Server

2.  To enable the Alert under CA BSI you will have to have an Email server active in your LAN - this is a pre-requisite

All the details about this setting you can find it under the “CA Business Service Insight Implementation Guide” 

The steps to enable the Alert:

Under the menu, you will have to go to Administration (menu), Site Settings and then Alerts.

Under Alert Settings, you will have to Set (Example):

  • E-mail: Server address      : Her you can put in the IP address or the host name
  • Address of alerts system  : this is the user used to send in the Alert to the end users
  • Alerts system sender name          : This is the name given when sent the Email
    • CA Business Service Insight

Alert Recipient Details:

To use the Alert under BSI you will have to create a Recipient Detail, in order to define where to send the Alert to.

Documentation: User Guide

Communication Protocols Overview

Look under User Guide -> Reports -> Alerts -> Alert Recipients

The steps to enable the Alert Recipients:

Under the menu, you will have to go to Reports (menu), Alerts and then Alerts Recipients.Under Alert Recipients, you will have to “Add New”:

  • Name *        : E-Mail Alert sadmin@example
  • Description   : E-Mail Alert Message Recipient
  • TimeSlot*     : Weekly
  • User*           : Add the user that will receive the emails
  • Device *       : E-Mail
  • Communication Details *: How you put in the device “Email”, you will put the Email of the user you will send the Email to.

Alert Profiles:

To enable the Alert under CA BSI you will have to create a Alert Profiles Detail, in order to define where to send the Alert to.

The definition of this is under the manual “CA Business Service Insight Implementation Guide”

The steps to enable the Alert Profiles:

Under the menu, you will have to go to Reports (menu), Alerts and then Alerts Profiles.

Under Alert Profiles, you will have to “Add New”:

  • Name *        : Bad Login Alert
  • Description   : Bad Login E-Mail Alert Message
  • Type *         : Bad Login
  • Message Subject* : Bad login E-Mail Alert Message
  • Message               : I would like to inform you that this User #User has tried to login.
  • Recipients*           : ADD -> E-Mail Alert sadmin@example

Test Alert (Setting/Recipients/Profiles):

Now in order to test this configuration and that it sends in the Alert.

Verify that the service “Oblicore – Alerts” has been restarted

We recommend that you test that on that BSI server you can see the E-mail server “telnet Email.server.com25

The steps to see if this work up to now:

  • Logout of the GUI
  • Try to Login using the wrong user or password, in order to send a Alert
  • Verify that it´s working

Under the Mail you should receive an Email about “Bad login E-Mail Alert Message”

Under the Alerts (Reports “Menu”, Alerts and Alerts); you should find the Alert sent

With all these steps you should be able to see that the email has been sent and that the Alert is working.



When you get this message in the Alert Details in the comment´s history :

“Problem occurred during alert sending, view log for more details”

Note: this information you will find it under the T_log, you will have to look here or open a Support Case for further assistance