How to Perform Service Desk Manager (SDM) Schema Changes using Web Screen Painter in Advanced Availability Configuration
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How to Perform Service Desk Manager (SDM) Schema Changes using Web Screen Painter in Advanced Availability Configuration


Article ID: 35859


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


Advance Availability(AA) for high availability introduced in CA Service Desk Manager 12.9 (CA SDM) is useful during the installation of cumulative patches as well as schema changes. 

A simple example of the AA environment with four servers:

1.    Stand By Server (SB)

2.    Back Ground Server (BG)

3.    Application Server (APP - can be increased as per the environment requirement)

4.    Database server (DB)

Note: Before you start this procedure please verify the Admin Guide Considerations mentioned for AA configurations.


Service Desk Manager 12.9, 14.1 and 17.x

All Supported Operating Systems


The following instructions outline how to perform Schema changes using Web Screen Painter(WSP) in an AA environment.

1. Open Web Screen Painter (WSP) on Background server (BG) and make the necessary changes (Adding New Tables / Columns etc.) and click ‘Save and Publish’

For example, add a column to the CR Object (Call_Req Table)

2. Run the command ‘pdm_server_control -v’ from a Command Prompt to suppress the version control on the Background server

Note: The “pdm_server_control –t” will give results of the server status (Background / Standby)

3. Start the Standby Server services either from the services window or command prompt.

4. Run the command ‘pdm_server_control -b’ on the original Standby server to promote the Background server as the new Standby server

5. On the old Background (current Standby) server, execute the ‘pdm_publish’ command to complete the WSP Schema changes.

Press 'Y' (Yes) to complete the schema modifications on the original Standby Server

The following screenshot explains that fail-over has completed successfully.


Additional Information

Important: Following the procedure aforesaid, ensure to perform Rolling Maintenance on Application Servers (