Reset uapmadmin password?
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Reset uapmadmin password?


Article ID: 35820


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CA IT Asset Manager ASSET PORTFOLIO MGMT- SERVER CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management


How to reset the uapmadmin password in CA ITAM?

CA Asset Portfolio Management
<X> Error: Access is denied. The user provided may
have a locked account, or the password provided maybe expired or invalid.


CA Asset Portfolio Manager (CA APM)


Basic Steps

1. Using the  APM/ITAM installation media, locate the folder <drive>:\products\ITAM\Setups\EEM

2. Copy the EEM folder to a local drive (ex. C:\EEM)

3. From a command line, navigate to the EEM folder and run the .exe program with the following parameters:

AppLauncher.exe -ProductName=EEM -EEMParameter='-EEMBackend="EEMhostname",-EEMAdminPass="xxxx",-EEMUapmPassword="newvalue",-EEMCasmPassword="yyyy",-DatabaseType="SQL Server",-DBServer="DBhostname",-UserID="sa",-DBName="mdb",-Port="1433",-DBOwner="dbo",-DBPassword="zzzz",-MdbAdminPassword="uuuu",-BundleVersion="14.1"'

Please note that:

  • EEMAdminPass is the password for EiamAdmin
  • EEMUapmPassword is the new value for uapmadmin password
  • EEMCasmPassword is the password for casmadmin
  • MdbAdminPassword is the password for mdbadmin

Example - Troubleshooting if the above fails:

The following command was used, but did not successfully reset the password.
AppLauncher.exe -ProductName=EEM -EEMParameter='-EEMBackend="SWDPITITSVD01V",-EEMAdminPass="<EEM PASSWORD>",-EEMUapmPassword="<EEM UAPM PASSWORD>",-EEMCasmPassword="<EEM CASM PASSWORD>",-DatabaseType="SQL Server",-DBServer="<SERVER_NAME>",-UserID="sa",-DBName="mdb",-Port="1433",-DBOwner="dbo",-DBPassword="<DB PASSWORD>",-MdbAdminPassword="<MDB ADMIN PASSWORD>",-BundleVersion="14.1"' 

Here is part of the error log.
log4net: XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Configuration update mode [Merge]. 
log4net: XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Retrieving an instance of log4net.Repository. Logger for logger [CA.Applications.DataImporterEngine]. 
log4net: XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Setting [CA.Applications.DataImporterEngine] additivity to [False]. 
log4net: XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Logger [CA.Applications.DataImporterEngine] Level string is [INFO]. 
log4net: XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Logger [CA.Applications.DataImporterEngine] level set to [name="INFO",value=40000]. 
log4net:ERROR XmlHierarchyConfigurator: No appender named [ImportServiceLog] could be found. 
log4net:ERROR XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Appender named [ImportServiceLog] not found. 
log4net: XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Retrieving an instance of log4net.Repository. Logger for logger [ITAMDataLoader]. 
log4net: XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Setting [ITAMDataLoader] additivity to [False]. 
log4net: XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Logger [ITAMDataLoader] Level string is [INFO]. 
log4net: XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Logger [ITAMDataLoader] level set to [name="INFO",value=40000]. 
log4net:ERROR XmlHierarchyConfigurator: No appender named [ImportServiceLog] could be found. 
log4net:ERROR XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Appender named [ImportServiceLog] not found. 

1) Check the CA APM table "al_process_account."

If there are no rows, then try regenerating as below, but you may need to contact CA Support if that fails. Consider why the table may be missing, such as an installation failure.

If there are rows: 

2) Backup the table CA APM table "al_process_account" so that it may be restored if necessary.
Warning: Failing to have a backup could result in data loss.

3) Set Certificate key and admin_password in uapmadmin process row to NULL value via direct database update.

4) Run Applauncher commands again.

5) Check that the values of certificate_key and admin_password in the table have been updated after running Applauncher. 

Additional Information

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