Here are details regarding setting the trace level to detail to pull more information for debugging purpose.
Client Automation - All Versions
From a command prompt type the following:
cftrace -c set -l DETAIL
To set tracing on a single component, you can add the '-f' switch followed by any one of the following items:
Note: The values after the '-l' and '?f' switches are case sensitive.
If the '-f' switch is not specified then all components are assumed.
Example: To set only DTS tracing to 'DETAIL' the following can be used:
cftrace -c set -f DTS -l DETAIL
It is recommended that you specify a file size sufficiently large to capture DETAIL traces over a reasonable period of time. A size of between 50 and 100 MB is recommended.
It is further recommended that traces be reset before any change to make sure of proper application of the desired trace level. The following example will first reset ALL traces to default levels and then set them ALL to detail level using 50MB files sizes. (2 files for each component will be stored maximum by DSM before overwriting will occur):
cftrace -c reset
cftrace -c set -l DETAIL -s 50000 -ln 4
-s number of lines in each log
-ln number of logs each plugin uses
Note: Run 'cftrace -c reset' to reset trace level when DETAIL level is no longer needed. There is not normally any significant performance impact incurred by leaving tracing at DETAIL level, but if disk usage is a concern, resetting traces will reduce disk space usage by several hundred megabytes or more assuming you stop CAF completely and clear existing logs after making the change.
Note: ANY log file growing significantly in excess of the specified or expected size should be deleted immediately. For example, if you specify 50MB trace files and see a particular trace exceeding 400MB, you should bring down CAF and delete the file. In future that should not recur. If this continues to recur repeatedly, something may be wrong and a support issue should be opened.
Note: Finally, you can run 'cftrace' with no parameters to get details of the syntax used with this command.
Manager side: cftrace -c set -L detail -s 50000 -ln 9
Agent side: cftrace -c set -L detail -s 20000 -ln 4
AMManager Logs: cftrace -c set -l detail -s 50000 -ln 10 -f uam -pp ammanager
USD Logs: cftrace -c set -f usd -l detail -s 50000 -ln 5
Engine Logs: cftrace -c set -l detail -f cstack -pp <Engine_Name> -s 50000 -ln 10