Business Service Insight (BSI) - Under Timeslot details, the Java TSApplet does not appear
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Business Service Insight (BSI) - Under Timeslot details, the Java TSApplet does not appear


Article ID: 35725


Updated On:


CA Business Service Insight


When you open a Timeslot Template under BSI, you could see that the details appear in gray and that will not you permit you to modify this Timeslot


Business Service Insight 8.3.x

All Supported IE Web Browsers


The IE web browser is not running the Java applet. This is due to the fact that Internet Explorer has locked down Java applets.


Set security to the to minimum level within IE and then also go into the Java control panel and set security to the lowest setting to re-enable the security prompts.

1.  Open the Control Panel

2.  Open the Java Icon

3.  Enter the tab "Security" 

4.  Modify the security to a minimum level

5.  Under the tab "Advanced", Under Mixed Code->Security verification, (*) Enable - hide Waring and run with protections

6.  Reopen Internet Explorer

7.  Open the timeslot template

8.  Accept the new security warning

Now you should be enable to see the timeslot: