Many users want/need to replace the default SSL certificate located in the JBOSS keystore for numerous reasons/restrictions in their environment. This task can become very difficult with certain options not being used or following the correct process. This can result in a multitude of errors and a process longer than it should.
Privileged Identity Manager 12.9
1. Create a new ssl.keystore with the alias of entm in it.
# keytool -genkey -alias entm -keyalg RSA -keystore ssl.keystore -storepass SSLKEYSTORE_PASSWORD -dname "CN=user,OU=my_org_unit,o=my_org,L=AA,ST=my_state,C=my_country"
2. Generate a certificate request
# keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias entm -keystore ssl.keystore -file CERT_REQUEST_FILENAME.csr
3. Send the CRS to the Certificate team and once it’s back, import the root CA first
# keytool -import -keystore ssl.keystore -alias rootCA -file ROOT_CA_CERT_FILENAME.cer
4. Then the intermediate if there is one
# keytool -import -keystore server.keystore -alias intermediateCA -file INTERMEDIATE_CA_CERT_FILENAME.cer
5. Then the machine certificate
# keytool -import -alias entm -keystore ssl.keystore -file MACHINE_CERT_FILENAME.cer
6. Start jboss