When Running pdm_ldap_sync, following error is received: "Method 'got_ldap_domset' in Contact_Object failed (Server Down)"
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When Running pdm_ldap_sync, following error is received: "Method 'got_ldap_domset' in Contact_Object failed (Server Down)"


Article ID: 35416


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SUPPORT AUTOMATION- SERVER CA Service Desk Manager - Unified Self Service CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


PDM_LDAP_SYNC does not work.

Following error is received:

C:\Users\Administrator>pdm_ldap_sync -l "userid=?"
pdm_ldap_sync: Starting...
pdm_ldap_sync: LDAP where clause = "userid=?"
pdm_ldap_sync: Contact where clause = userid NOT LIKE '%\%' AND userid NOT LIKE '%@%'"
pdm_ldap_sync: Method 'got_ldap_domset' in Contact_Object failed (Server Down)


CA Service Management 17.X.


The LDAP Server configured in CA SDM Administration > Options Manager > LDAP is down/unreachable.


1.  Log into CA SDM as an Administrator and navigate to Administration -> Options Manager -> LDAP

2.  Ensure the ldap_hostname and ldap_port number are correct

3.  Ensure that from the CA SDM server, you are able to ping the LDAP server by both host and IP address.  Open a command prompt and type: ping <LDAP Server Name>

4.  If no communication issues are discovered, check with the LDAP Administrator if there are any policies that could be prohibiting the CA SDM server from communicating with the LDAP server. 

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