Partnership not working when SPID contains "&" chars
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Partnership not working when SPID contains "&" chars


Article ID: 35389


Updated On:


CA Single Sign-On CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder)


When Configuring Partnership and especially with EntityID (IdPID and SPID), a URL can be used as per documentation. When using special chars like "&", it is failing.

To illustrate, configuring the SPID format like:<key>&field=<name>&type=3

is failing.

Indeed, the Federation services fail to retrieve the Servide Provider ID until<key>.



Don't use the "&" in the SPID, as it is a special character part of a query string like "?".

Because the ampersand character "&" in the EntityID query string will be recognized as a separate query parameter.

The below Reference URL is more appropriate (1), which states:

  1. An entity ID: 1) MUST be a URI, 2) SHOULD be an absolute URL, and 3) SHOULD NOT be a URN
  2. The entity ID MUST be globally unique to avoid name collisions both within the Federation and across federations
  3. If the entity ID is a URL (which is strongly RECOMMENDED), then:

    the host part of the URL MUST be a name rooted in the organization's Primary DNS Domain
    the URL MUST NOT contain a port number, a query string, or a fragment identifier

Recommended EntityID would be:

Invalid EntityID would be:<key>&test=1<key> (may work but not advisable to use)


Additional Information


  1. Entity IDs