When accessing the NFA web page without specifying /ra I get a 500 error.
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When accessing the NFA web page without specifying /ra I get a 500 error.


Article ID: 35386


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CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


When accessing NFA using IP Address or Host Name you may get a 500 error. There will be no additional details. However when you add “/ra” and the end the page loads fine.

If you look at IIS logging you will find a “ASP_0164_:_80004005” error which is an “Invalid_TimeOut_Value” issue.





NFA 9.3.x and later.


This error occurs because ASP timeouts cannot exceed 1440 minutes (1 day).  The setting change must be made in NFA 9.3.x in the SSO tool.


  1. On the NFA Console Server navigate to the <installdir\Portal\SSO\bin>.
  2. Double click the SsoConfig.exe tool.
  3. Choose “2” > “4” > “2” > “6” > “U” > Enter in a value of “1440” or less (20 is default) then press enter.
  4. Restart the "Performance Center SSO" (called “CA Performance Center SSO” on older installs) Service and do an “IISRESET”.