Does Endevor make use of the zIIP processor?
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Does Endevor make use of the zIIP processor?


Article ID: 35320


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Does Endevor utilize the zIIP processors capabilities? 



Release:  All support versions
Component: ENDBAS


Endevor does not offload any of its own processing to zIIP processors. 

Third-party programs invoked by an Endevor processor step MIGHT offload processing to zIIP,  but at  this point is up to the invoked program. 

If the invoked program is able to do that, it will require to run with APF authorization.  From the Endevor side, it requires the following points to be true:  

- The program invoked by the processor step must be added to the Endevor Authorized Program Table 

- All libraries pointed to by STEPLIB DD in the processor step (if present) must be APF.