How to modify a CA Datadictionary modelled sequential dataview ?
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How to modify a CA Datadictionary modelled sequential dataview ?


Article ID: 35306


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Datacom DATACOM - AD




You need to modify a CA IDEAL sequential  dataview that is modelled in CA Datadictionary  

but you have forgotten how to do that as CA Ideal sequential dataviews are now created/modified in CA IDEAL .



1.  Go into  CA Datadictionary online by using CICS transaction DDOL  .

2.  Select FILE Maintenance mode .

3.  DISPLAY the DATAVIEW structure to pick up the name of the related FILE and RECORD occurrences .

4.  RESTORE the FILE in PROD status into a test version like T001 .

5.  DEFINE the RECORD where you can change/add columns .

6.  Then MODIFY the ELEMENT ( put Y in the newly added columns  and press PF9 Apply ).

7.  Run MODIFY FILE to change the record length /blocksize .

8.  When done run VERIFY FILE - if no errors then COPY FILE to PROD and ENABLE FILE .

9.  RESTORE the DATAVIEW from PROD to a test version like T001.

10. Then COPY the DATAVIEW from test to PROD status .

11. Go into CA IDEAL and run CAT DVW dataview name v PROD .






Release: DATABB00200-14-Datacom/AD