After deploying Chorus to a single LPAR and all tasks start successfully but we're getting 'ETJDS095E Couldn't build the primary key for the object' error when trying to access databases (CIA, Compliance Manager)
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After deploying Chorus to a single LPAR and all tasks start successfully but we're getting 'ETJDS095E Couldn't build the primary key for the object' error when trying to access databases (CIA, Compliance Manager)


Article ID: 35288


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Chorus Platform Mainframe Chorus DBA Discipline Mainframe Chorus Security Discipline Mainframe Chorus Storage Discipline


After deploying Chorus to a single LPAR and all tasks start successfully but we're getting 'ETJDS095E Couldn't build the primary key for the object' error when trying to access
databases (CIA, Compliance Manager). What would cause this error?


The error can be caused by a bad DBSRV_HOME value in the Chorus 

your_chorus_hlq.CONFIG.CETJOPTN file.


The 'ETJDS095E Couldn't build the primary key for the object' error can be 

caused by an unsuccessful connection to the Datacom/AD databases due to "Caused by: 

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: cadcdb64 (Not found in java.library.path)".

To address the problem check that the line in CETJOPTN(ENVE1M) for DBSRV_HOME 

and insure that it is not commented out and contains the correct path to the 

dbserver home directory. Then re-run ETJI0145(Job which Configures the JDBC driver 

for CA Datacom/AD) and re-start CHORJBOS again.