How do robots find their hub
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How do robots find their hub


Article ID: 35073


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


When a robot's primary hub goes off-line the robot will attach to the secondary hub.  When the primary hub comes back on-line the robot should move back.  How does the robot know where to move?


Release: CNMSPP99000-8.4-Unified Infrastructure Mgmt-Server Pack-- On Prem


When a robot comes on line it takes the configured hub's name and does a nametoip call. For example:

The robot.cfg had the hub configured as /domain/hub/robot the robot will do a nametoip to resolve the Nimsoft name to the hub's IP address.


The robot will then attempt to contact that hub on its IP address. If no contact can be made it will then try the secondary hub's name and then its IP address. If that does not work the robot will do a generic get hub call. The robot will attach to the nearest hub responding to the above sequence of calls.

The robot should continue to look for its primary hub. If it doesn’t find it, to help determine what the cause is select the hub in Infrastructure Manager, this is the light green icon with four dots on the outside. You will now see a list of robots in the main window. Look under Type. If the type is ‘Regular’ then the hub thinks this robot has itself as the primary hub. If type is ‘Orphan’ then the hub knows it is secondary to this robot.

When you find an ‘Orphan’ that is not transferring back to its parent you will need to restart the robot. You can do this by right-clicking on it > Restart, in Infrastructure Manager.

Additional Information

Hub documentation: