No QoS is getting generated?from new profile in interface traffic?for Network device (security appliance in this case) configured to be monitored? via interface_traffic although
snmp test is working ok
OID . does not exist for the device. This OID is sysUpTime OID which is used in our calculation. Here is the log snippet :
Nov 20 10:17:02:730 [8100] ift: (SNMPasync) '' OID: ., value=NULL, variable=No Such Object available on this agent at this OID
Nov 20 10:17:02:757 [8100] ift: Collector: No delta time is available on the interface ''
As there is no value for this OID, no further calculation is done to find out the traffic which can be sent as QOS
See article below for the OID's used in the calculation