Illegal SID: You must login to the appropriate domain to access the probe
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Illegal SID: You must login to the appropriate domain to access the probe


Article ID: 34962


Updated On: 10-04-2023


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Cannot deploy probes to a robot.
When deploying a probe to a robot with Infrastructure Manager I get the error message:
"illegal SID - you must login to the appropriate domain to access probe."


Release: Any UIM version
Component: UIMHUB


This error may indicates a problem with hub security settings.

Follow these steps to synchronize security files between the tunnel Server and the tunnel Client.

  1. Stop the Nimsoft Robot Watcher Service on the tunnel Server
  2. Go to $NIMROOT\hub folder (where $NIMROOT=Nimsoft install location)
  3. Delete all files named 'security' with a prefix (security.cfg, security.dat, security.bak)
  4. Start the Nimsoft Robot Watcher Service on the tunnel Server

To check if security.cfg file has been synced up, you can do one/both of the following:

  1. In the Infrastructure Manager click on the Nimsoft Domain in the left navigation area and check under Security column on the right hand. The value for your hub should be 'Enabled.'
  2. Check the version value in the security.cfg file on the new hub. It should be the same version number as can be found in security.cfg on the existing/primary hub.

You may also need to do the following:

  1. Check the box marked "Disable IP Validation" in hub GUI on tunnel server and all secondary hubs

Verify the above setting by using "hubsec_setup_get" callback with key set as 'ignore_ip'

On tunnel Client's hub.cfg, add "check_cn = no" under tunnel entry or using hub GUI un-check "Check Server common name" in tunnel client entry.

With these actions taken, your issue should be resolved


Additional Information

Note that in some cases the two actions listed below may be enough to resolve this error.

Using the Probe Utility which is accessed by selecting the probe and pressing Ctrl-P:

  1. Using hub probe callback "hubsec_setup_put" on tunnel server add "ignore_ip = yes" (key=ignore_ip , value=yes)
  2. Verify the above setting by using "hubsec_setup_get" callback with key as ignore_ip


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