When using Internet Explorer (IE) version 10 the script doesn't seem to close IE when using the 'CloseWindow' function and is not able to enter data in the URL address bar.
e2e_appmon v2.0
e2e_appmon_dev v2.0
Nimrecorder 2.0 (wintask 4.0)
Internet Explorer Supported Versions include versions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
***For IE10, Enhanced Protected Mode is NOT supported (Internet Options menu, Advanced Tab, Enhanced Protected Mode must be un-checked). The 64-bit version of IE is not supported, use the default IE under the 64-bit editions, the default is 32-bit.
Additional information from?Wintask team
That?s normal for CloseWindow of IE. IE10 (32 bit) under a 64 bit Windows has its top and bottom windows (the menu, the url window, the download window for examples) are 64 bit windows in IE10 even when IE10 32 bit is used. Only WinTask x64 can dialog with those pure 64 bit windows. IE9 32 bit under a 64 bit Windows use for all its sub-windows 32 bits windows, there has been change in IE 10 32 bits under a 64 bit Windows.
However, instead of using CloseWindow, you can use KillApp(?iexplore.exe?,1) and it will close the IE window (it kills IE). And for typing an url in the address bar, a Navigate or a StartBrowser can do the job if multiple Tabs are not involved.
OSs supported:
Windows 2003, Windows 7 and Windows 2008, Windows 2003 R2 and Windows 7 64-bit.
The following OSs are NOT supported as of May 2013:
Windows 8, Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 2012.
Use IE 9 and 10 for best results.