What are the standard UIM Error Codes?
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What are the standard UIM Error Codes?


Article ID: 34649


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


The following error codes may be seen in standard UIM log/error messages - generally speaking, these error codes apply to communications between probes, hubs, and robots.


Any UIM version


You may see these error codes in log messages for any probe, as well as the hub/robot logs.


Jan 4 16:41:41:530 [2476] hub: mkgetqforpostroute - subscribe to nas@/domain/example.dev.domain/example/hub failed 3(invalid argument)

Jan 22 12:07:35:387 [Thread-0, EventLogging] (6) permission denied, Received status (6) on response (for sendRcv) for cmd = 'transaction_list'

May 6 01:03:40:741 [8944] rsp: dbGetAlarmState: ndbExecute exec error(7): temporarily out of resources

Occasionally the error message won't be given, just a code, and you can use the following list to help determine what the underlying error is:

0 ---OK

1 ---general error

2 ---communication error

3 ---invalid argument

4 ---not found

5 ---already defined

6 ---permission denied

7 ---temporarily out of resources

8 ---out of resources

9 ---no space left

10 ---broken connection

11 ---command not found

12 ---login failed

13 ---SID expired

14 ---illegal MAC

15 ---illegal SID

16 ---Session id for hub is invalid

17 ---Expired

18 ---No valid license

19 ---Invalid license

20 ---Illegal license

21 ---Invalid operation

22 ---SSL connection required