What Queries are Used by the sybase probe?
Sybase 12.x
Any sybase probe version
QueryVers Sybase12
"database_count", "SELECT convert(varchar(3),count(*)) FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases"
"server_startup", "SELECT convert(varchar(20),DATEDIFF(dd,crdate,getdate()))+':'+ \
CONVERT(varchar(20),crdate,104)+':'+CONVERT(varchar(20),crdate,108) FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases where name like 'tempdb'"
"database_size", "SELECT db_name(u.dbid) +':'+ case "
"when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
"when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
"else 'data' "
"end +':'+ "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),u.size))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))+':'+ "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),curunreservedpgs (dbid, u.lstart, unreservedpgs)))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4)) "
"FROM master.dbo.sysusages u "
"GROUP BY db_name(u.dbid), "
"case "
"when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
"when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
"else 'data' "
"end "
"ORDER BY db_name(u.dbid)"
"login_count", "select convert(varchar(5),count(*))from master..sysprocesses p,master..sysdatabases d where p.dbid = d.dbid"
" and ((d.status & 32 != 32) and (d.status & 256 != 256) and (d.status2 & 16 != 16) and (d.status2 & 32 != 32)"
" and (d.status2 & 64 != 64) and (d.status2 & 128 != 128)) and p.suid > 0"
"active_users", "select convert(varchar(5),count(*))from master..sysprocesses p, master..sysdatabases d where p.dbid = d.dbid"
" and ((d.status & 32 != 32) and (d.status & 256 != 256) and (d.status2 & 16 != 16) and (d.status2 & 32 != 32)"
" and (d.status2 & 64 != 64) and (d.status2 & 128 != 128)) and p.suid > 0 and p.status = 'running'"
"locked_users","select convert(varchar(25),l.spid)+':'+db_name(l.dbid)+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),b.spid)+':'+rtrim(b.status)+':'+rtrim(b.cmd)+':'+rtrim(l.hostprocess)+':'+rtrim(b.hostprocess) "
"from master..sysprocesses l, master..sysprocesses b "
"where l.blocked = b.spid"
"log_size","select db_name(u.dbid)+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),max(lct_admin('logsegment_freepages', d.dbid)))+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),max(lct_admin('reserved_for_rollbacks', d.dbid)))+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),max((select low from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')))"
"from master.dbo.sysusages u, master.dbo.sysdatabases d"
" where ((d.status & 32 != 32) and (d.status & 256 != 256)"
" and (d.status2 & 16 != 16) and (d.status2 & 32 != 32) and (d.status2 & 64 != 64)"
" and (d.status2 & 128 != 128)) and d.dbid = u.dbid and u.segmap in(4,7)"
" group by u.dbid order by u.dbid"
"db_device_size","select distinct db_name(u.dbid)+':'+v.name+':'+"
"case "
" when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
" when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
" else 'data' "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),u.size))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))+':'+ "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),curunreservedpgs (u.dbid, u.lstart, unreservedpgs)))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4)) "
"FROM master.dbo.sysusages u , master.dbo.sysdevices v, master.dbo.sysdatabases d "
"where u.vstart between v.low and v.high "
"and d.dbid = u.dbid "
"and v.status & 2 = 2 "
"and cntrltype = 0 "
"and status3 & 256 != 256 "
"and u.dbid != 2 "
"GROUP BY db_name(u.dbid), v.name, "
"case "
" when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
" when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
" else 'data' "
"end order by u.dbid, v.name"
"tempdb_device_size","select db_name(u.dbid)+':'+v.name+':'+"
"case "
" when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
" when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
" else 'data' "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),u.size))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))+':'+ "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),curunreservedpgs (u.dbid, u.lstart, unreservedpgs)))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4)) "
"FROM master.dbo.sysusages u , master.dbo.sysdevices v, master.dbo.sysdatabases d "
"where u.vstart between v.low and v.high "
"and d.dbid = u.dbid "
"and v.status & 2 = 2 "
"and cntrltype = 0 "
"and (d.status3 & 256 = 256 or u.dbid = 2) "
"and u.segmap != 4 "
"GROUP BY db_name(u.dbid), v.name, "
"case "
" when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
" when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
" else 'data' "
"end order by u.dbid, v.name"
"device_size","select sd.name+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),round((convert(decimal(15,4),(1+sd.high-sd.low))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum(convert(decimal(15,4),isnull(su.size,0))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),round((convert(decimal(15,4),(1+sd.high-sd.low) - sum(isnull(su.size,0)))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))"
" from master.dbo.sysdevices sd left join master.dbo.sysusages su on su.vstart between sd.low and sd.high"
" where sd.cntrltype=0 and (sd.status&2)=2"
" group by sd.name order by sd.name"
"old_format_end","select count(*) from pubs2..sales"
"monitor_config","sp_monitorconfig 'all'"
"server_cpu","select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, @@cpu_busy cpu_busy, @@timeticks timeticks, (select count(*) from master.dbo.sysengines where status = 'online') no_engines"
"server_io","select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, @@io_busy io_busy, @@timeticks timeticks, (select count(*) from master.dbo.sysengines where status = 'online') no_engines"
"buf_cachehit_ratio", "select CacheName as object, LogicalReads, PhysicalReads from master.dbo.monDataCache"
"lock_requests", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, 'granted' as object, (sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockRequests)) - sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockWaits))) as locks from master.dbo.monOpenObjectActivity "
"union select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, 'waited' as object, sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockWaits)) as locks from master.dbo.monOpenObjectActivity"
"lock_requests_db", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, DBID, db_name(DBID) as object, sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockRequests)) as locks from master.dbo.monOpenObjectActivity group by DBID"
"lock_requests_granted_db", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, DBID, db_name(DBID) as object, (sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockRequests)) - sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockWaits))) as granted from master.dbo.monOpenObjectActivity group by DBID"
"lock_requests_waited_db", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, DBID, db_name(DBID) as object, sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockWaits)) as waited from master.dbo.monOpenObjectActivity group by DBID"
"dead_locks", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, NumDeadlocks deadlocks from master.dbo.monState"
"total_disk_io", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, LogicalName object, Reads reads, Writes writes, IOTime iotime, (select count(*) from master.dbo.sysengines where status = 'online') no_engines from master.dbo.monDeviceIO"
"stp_cachehit_ratio", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, Requests, Loads from master.dbo.monProcedureCache"
"q_locked_users", "select l.spid sid, rtrim(l.hostprocess) hostpid, db_name(l.dbid) dbname, l.time_blocked value, rtrim(l.status) status, rtrim(l.cmd) cmd, "
"b.spid b_sid, rtrim(b.hostprocess) b_hostpid, rtrim(b.status) b_status, rtrim(b.cmd) b_cmd, substring(t.SQLText,1,256) text "
"from master..sysprocesses l, master..sysprocesses b, master.dbo.monProcessSQLText t where l.blocked = b.spid and t.SPID = l.spid"
"check_bsalive", "select srvnetname as bsname from master.dbo.sysservers where srvname = 'SYB_BACKUP'"
"active_connection_ratio","select cur.value2 as total, (select count(*) from master..sysprocesses where hostprocess <> '') as active from master..syscurconfigs cur, master..sysconfigures def where def.name='number of user connections' and def.config = cur.config"
QueryVers Sybase15
"database_count", "SELECT convert(varchar(3),count(*)) FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases"
"server_startup", "SELECT convert(varchar(20),DATEDIFF(dd,crdate,getdate()))+':'+ \
CONVERT(varchar(20),crdate,104)+':'+CONVERT(varchar(20),crdate,108) FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases where name like 'tempdb'"
"database_size", "SELECT db_name(u.dbid) +':'+ case "
"when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
"when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
"else 'data' "
"end +':'+ "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),u.size))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))+':'+ "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),curunreservedpgs (dbid, u.lstart, unreservedpgs)))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4)) "
"FROM master.dbo.sysusages u "
"GROUP BY db_name(u.dbid), "
"case "
"when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
"when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
"else 'data' "
"end "
"ORDER BY db_name(u.dbid)"
"login_count", "select convert(varchar(5),count(*))from master..sysprocesses p,master..sysdatabases d where p.dbid = d.dbid"
" and ((d.status & 32 != 32) and (d.status & 256 != 256) and (d.status2 & 16 != 16) and (d.status2 & 32 != 32)"
" and (d.status2 & 64 != 64) and (d.status2 & 128 != 128)) and p.suid > 0"
"active_users", "select convert(varchar(5),count(*))from master..sysprocesses p, master..sysdatabases d where p.dbid = d.dbid"
" and ((d.status & 32 != 32) and (d.status & 256 != 256) and (d.status2 & 16 != 16) and (d.status2 & 32 != 32)"
" and (d.status2 & 64 != 64) and (d.status2 & 128 != 128)) and p.suid > 0 and p.status = 'running'"
"locked_users","select convert(varchar(25),l.spid)+':'+db_name(l.dbid)+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),b.spid)+':'+rtrim(b.status)+':'+rtrim(b.cmd)+':'+rtrim(l.hostprocess)+':'+rtrim(b.hostprocess) "
"from master..sysprocesses l, master..sysprocesses b "
"where l.blocked = b.spid"
"log_size","select db_name(u.dbid)+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),max(lct_admin('logsegment_freepages', d.dbid)))+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),max(lct_admin('reserved_for_rollbacks', d.dbid)))+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),max((select low from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')))"
"from master.dbo.sysusages u, master.dbo.sysdatabases d"
" where ((d.status & 32 != 32) and (d.status & 256 != 256)"
" and (d.status2 & 16 != 16) and (d.status2 & 32 != 32) and (d.status2 & 64 != 64)"
" and (d.status2 & 128 != 128)) and d.dbid = u.dbid and u.segmap in(4,7)"
" group by u.dbid order by u.dbid"
"db_device_size","select distinct db_name(u.dbid)+':'+v.name+':'+"
"case "
" when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
" when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
" else 'data' "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),u.size))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))+':'+ "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),curunreservedpgs (u.dbid, u.lstart, unreservedpgs)))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4)) "
"FROM master.dbo.sysusages u , master.dbo.sysdevices v, master.dbo.sysdatabases d "
"where u.vdevno = v.vdevno "
"and d.dbid = u.dbid "
"and v.status & 2 = 2 "
"and cntrltype = 0 "
"and status3 & 256 != 256 "
"and u.dbid != 2 "
"GROUP BY db_name(u.dbid), v.name, "
"case "
" when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
" when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
" else 'data' "
"end order by u.dbid, v.name"
"tempdb_device_size","select db_name(u.dbid)+':'+v.name+':'+"
"case "
" when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
" when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
" else 'data' "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),u.size))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))+':'+ "
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum((convert(decimal(15,4),curunreservedpgs (u.dbid, u.lstart, unreservedpgs)))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4)) "
"FROM master.dbo.sysusages u , master.dbo.sysdevices v, master.dbo.sysdatabases d "
"where u.vdevno = v.vdevno "
"and d.dbid = u.dbid "
"and v.status & 2 = 2 "
"and cntrltype = 0 "
"and (d.status3 & 256 = 256 or u.dbid = 2) "
"and u.segmap != 4 "
"GROUP BY db_name(u.dbid), v.name, "
"case "
" when u.segmap = 4 then 'log' "
" when (((u.segmap & 4)=4) and ((u.segmap&~4)!=0)) then 'mixed' "
" else 'data' "
"end order by u.dbid, v.name"
"device_size","select sd.name+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),round((convert(decimal(15,4),(1+sd.high-sd.low))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),round(sum(convert(decimal(15,4),isnull(su.size,0))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))+':'+"
"convert(varchar(25),round((convert(decimal(15,4),(1+sd.high-sd.low) - sum(isnull(su.size,0)))*(select convert(int, low) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E')/1048576),4))"
" from master.dbo.sysdevices sd, master.dbo.sysusages su where "
" sd.vdevno = su.vdevno "
" and sd.cntrltype=0 and (sd.status&2)=2"
" group by sd.name order by sd.name"
"old_format_end", "select count(*) from pubs2..sales"
"monitor_config", "sp_monitorconfig 'all'"
"server_cpu","select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, @@cpu_busy cpu_busy, @@timeticks timeticks, (select count(*) from master.dbo.sysengines where status = 'online') no_engines"
"server_io","select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, @@io_busy io_busy, @@timeticks timeticks, (select count(*) from master.dbo.sysengines where status = 'online') no_engines"
"buf_cachehit_ratio", "select CacheName as object, LogicalReads, PhysicalReads from master.dbo.monDataCache"
"lock_requests", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, 'granted' as object, (sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockRequests)) - sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockWaits))) as locks from master.dbo.monOpenObjectActivity "
"union select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, 'waited' as object, sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockWaits)) as locks from master.dbo.monOpenObjectActivity"
"lock_requests_db", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, DBID, db_name(DBID) as object, sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockRequests)) as locks from master.dbo.monOpenObjectActivity group by DBID"
"lock_requests_granted_db", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, DBID, db_name(DBID) as object, (sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockRequests)) - sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockWaits))) as granted from master.dbo.monOpenObjectActivity group by DBID"
"lock_requests_waited_db", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, DBID, db_name(DBID) as object, sum(convert(dec(15,0),LockWaits)) as waited from master.dbo.monOpenObjectActivity group by DBID"
"dead_locks", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, NumDeadlocks deadlocks from master.dbo.monState"
"total_disk_io", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, LogicalName object, Reads reads, Writes writes, IOTime iotime, (select count(*) from master.dbo.sysengines where status = 'online') no_engines from master.dbo.monDeviceIO"
"stp_cachehit_ratio", "select datediff(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', getdate()) time, Requests, Loads from master.dbo.monProcedureCache"
"q_locked_users", "select l.spid sid, rtrim(l.hostprocess) hostpid, db_name(l.dbid) dbname, l.time_blocked value, rtrim(l.status) status, rtrim(l.cmd) cmd, "
"b.spid b_sid, rtrim(b.hostprocess) b_hostpid, rtrim(b.status) b_status, rtrim(b.cmd) b_cmd, substring(t.SQLText,1,256) text "
"from master..sysprocesses l, master..sysprocesses b, master.dbo.monProcessSQLText t where l.blocked = b.spid and t.SPID = l.spid"
"check_bsalive", "select srvnetname as bsname from master.dbo.sysservers where srvname = 'SYB_BACKUP'"
"active_connection_ratio","select cur.value2 as total, (select count(*) from master..sysprocesses where hostprocess <> '') as active from master..syscurconfigs cur, master..sysconfigures def where def.name='number of user connections' and def.config = cur.config"
The following checkpoints are not directly using queries to check them, but are generated from Sybase API Requests programatically.