VMware Aria Operations (Formerly known as vRealize Operations Manager) admin account shows an Incorrect User name/Password even after providing the correct credentials.
After resetting the password using How to Reset the Admin Password in VMware Aria Operations, the issue reappears after a few successful logins.
root@<hostname> [ ~ ]# cat /storage/vcops/user/conf/adminuser.properties #Properties for vCOps Admin user #Tue Feb 20 11:30:09 UTC 2024 hashed_password=<Password HASH removed> failed_attempts=5675 time_last_failure=1708428609792 username=admin
VMware vRealize Operations 8.x
Aria Operations 8.x
Steps to resolve the issue:
1. SSH to the primary node of Aria Operations. (If using a load balancer execute the commands on all the analytics nodes)
2. The following commands can be used to help identify source of account lockout, command 3 is likely the most useful in most cases, even though it does not distinguish between admin or other accounts:
2024-02-20T11:52:17,086+0000 INFO [ajp-nio-, 71EifC1H7nCAYsIGrOmdlRES9jEhPzfb] utils.HttpRequestLogger - After request [POST /suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire?_no_links=true, client=ip_address, payload={"username":"admin","password":"*****"}] 2024-02-20T11:52:17,202+0000 INFO [ajp-nio-, ivHLQF7tmorqYaAbt0J9T98EoWriqla7] utils.HttpRequestLogger - After request [POST /suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire?_no_links=true, client=ip_address, payload={"username":"admin","password":"*****"}] 2024-02-20T11:52:17,359+0000 INFO [ajp-nio-, 63ITvAa4VvTVephLHe4J0ABuFlx0VnoK] utils.HttpRequestLogger - After request [POST /suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire?_no_links=true, client=ip_address, payload={"username":"admin","password":"*****"}]
root@<hostname> [ ~ ]# grep -a /auth\/token\/acquire.*\"username\":\"admin\" /storage/log/vcops/log/http_api.log | awk '{print $11}' | uniq -c 1 client=ip_address, 5 client=ip_address, 2 client=ip_address, 1 client=ip_address, 1 client=ip_address, 1 client=ip_address, 6636 client=ip_address_1, 16 client=ip_address_2, 109 client=ip_address_3,
Command 3:
grep -a /auth\/token\/acquire.* /storage/log/vcops/log/suite-api/localhost_access_log.txt | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq -c
Example from lab server:
root@<hostname> [ ~ ]# grep -a /auth\/token\/acquire.* /storage/log/vcops/log/suite-api/localhost_access_log.txt | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq -c 10839 1 ip_address 16 ip_address 7 ip_address 6784 ip_address
Example output from /storage/log/vcops/log/suite-api/localhost_access_log.txt:
Successful login: [20/Feb/2024:12:17:28 +0000] ip_address- - "POST /suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire?_no_links=true HTTP/1.1" 200 204 19 Failed login: [20/Feb/2024:11:29:31 +0000] ip_address- - "POST /suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire?_no_links=true HTTP/1.1" 401 125 27
Note the 200 HTTP code and the 401 HTTP code in the example log output above.
3. After you've identified the source of the lockouts, and changed the integration password on the endpoint, follow KB Log in to Admin and Product UI as admin fails in vRealize/Aria Operations to reset the lockout on the admin account.
For information on resetting the Admin password, see How to reset the admin password in vRealize Operations (326391).
For information on resetting the Admin account lockout, see Log in to Admin and Product UI as admin fails in vRealize/Aria Operations (326396) .
Due to this issue, the admin user is not able to access Aria Operations Product and Admin UI
This article does not apply to other products with Aria Operations in the name such as: