VMware Aria Automation onboarded VM's not getting pricing information in VMware Aria Operations or Aria Automation
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VMware Aria Automation onboarded VM's not getting pricing information in VMware Aria Operations or Aria Automation


Article ID: 346003


Updated On: 02-03-2025


VMware Aria Suite


  • VMware Aria Automation onboarded VM's do not reflect pricing information.
  • Recreating the pricing card does not solve the issue.
  • Checking the analytics logs on the Aria Operations we find below entries:
    2024-12-05T00:00:25,163+0000 ERROR [Metering Calculation worker thread 3] com.vmware.vcops.analytics.metering.meteringengine.MeteringCalculationEngine.calc - Unable to get any value for metric cost|effectiveDailyStoragecost in time range from 1733337000000 to 1733423400000: most probably cost and pricing engine start times are out of sync, please make sure that pricing engine is scheduled after cost engine completed
    2024-12-05T00:00:25,184+0000 ERROR [Metering Calculation worker thread 1] com.vmware.vcops.analytics.metering.meteringengine.MeteringCalculationEngine.calc - Unable to get any value for metric cost|effectiveDailyStoragecost in time range from 1733337000000 to 1733423400000: most probably cost and pricing engine start times are out of sync, please make sure that pricing engine is scheduled after cost engine completed
  • Checking metric|Summary|metering| all metrics here have a value of 0 for impacted VMs in Aria Operations.


  • VMware Aria Automation 8.x
  • VMware Aria Operations 8.x


This issue occurs when VMware Aria Operations and VMware Aria Automation are not configured to use the same time zone.


  • To resolve this issue, update the /etc/localtime file to the correct city in the desired time zone (matching the time zone of Aria Automation).
    1. Log into the VMware Aria Operations admin UI as the local admin user.

    2. Click Take Offline under Cluster Status.

          Note: Wait for Cluster Status to show as Offline.

    3. Log in to the desired node as root via SSH or Console.

    4. Delete the current localtime file by running this command:

        rm /etc/localtime

    5. Get a list of the time zone locations and cities by running the following command, and noting the desired timezone location and city:

        ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfo/

    6. Set the time zone by running this command:

        ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/location/city /etc/localtime

        Note: Replace location and city with the location and city noted in step 5.

        Example: ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/city /etc/localtime

    7. Reboot the node for the changes to take effect.

    8. Repeat steps 3-7 on all desired nodes in the cluster.

    9. Log into the VMware Aria Operations admin UI as the local admin user.

    10. Click Bring Online under Cluster Status.

        Note: Wait for the Cluster Status to show as Online.

  • Once time zone is updated on Aria Operations, we will wait for the pricing engine to run at 12 UTC and we should see the pricing information for the VMs.