Unable to remove vRA expired licenses from vRSLCM UI
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Unable to remove vRA expired licenses from vRSLCM UI


Article ID: 346001


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • To remove vRA expired licenses.

  • Unable to removed expired vRA licenses from the vRSLCM UI even after updating the license with a new valid license key
  • While removing the expired licenses, LCM complains that the license is associated with a product and does not allow to be removed/deleted


VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.x

VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.x


This can happen if vRA licenses are still tied up to vRA locally even after updating the licenses from vRLCM UI. 


Recommended Workaround:

This can be resolved by manually removing the vRA license from the vRA appliance.

To remove the vRA license manually:

  1. Login to the vRA appliance via SSH as root
  2. To list all licenses, run:
vracli license
  1. To remove an expired license, run:
vracli license remove <license_key>
  1. Login to the Aria Suite Lifecycle UI
  2. Trigger an inventory sync for the vRA environment
  3. Delete the expired license from the Locker.