Aria lifecycle manager 8.x
Aria Automation 8.x
Aria Operations 8.x (Including Cloud Proxy)
Aria Operations for logs 8.x
Identity Manager 3.3.x
This can happen if your vCenter validation on Aria Suite Lifecycle fails with an old username/password or username/password has been updated and Aria products still tries to authenticate with an old username/password.
NOTE: In the case of a manually added Aria Operations Cloud Proxy, if the Cloud Proxy is added in a separate datacenter, then the data center it has been deployed to needs to be added in Datacenters if it has not been added already.
Once it has been added and validated, the Inventory Sync task may still fail, as Lifecycle does not yet associate that vCenter with the Aria Operations environment. You will need to Retry the task and supply the credentials of the vCenter that the Cloud Proxy was deployed to so that it can be associated to the environment. If multiple proxies have been added, repeat for each hostname or IP that returns the error