Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager upgrade fails because /tmp directory fills up when downloading
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Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager upgrade fails because /tmp directory fills up when downloading


Article ID: 345990


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • How to temporarily increase the size of the /tmp directory.
  • After rebooting the system, /tmp directory will go back to its default size.
  • When attempting to upgrade Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager, it stops downloading because the /tmp directory is full.


Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.x


The /tmp directory fills up because while downloading the upgrade files, the size of the upgrade files exceeds the space available in /tmp directory.


        1. SSH to the Aria Suite Lifecycle appliance as root.

         2. Using df -h /tmp command, determine if /tmp folder is 100% full.

3. Remount the /tmp directory with increased partition size. For this example, we will give the /tmp directory 20 GB of space to work with.

    This size limit should be more than enough. However, it can be changed based on the environment requirement. : mount -o remount,size=20G /tmp/

4. With the /tmp directory dismounted and remounted with the increased partition size, the /tmp directory should no longer be filled up.

    Execute df -h /tmp to confirm.


Note: Once the upgrade is completed and Aria Suite Life appliance is re-started, SSH to the Aria Suite Lifecycle again and check the amount of disk space available in /tmp : df -h /tmp
The /tmp file system will be back to its default size.

Additional Information

Impact/Risks: The download process of upgrade packages stops and the upgrade fails.