"/var" directory is constantly full on Salt Master even after clearing the logs from directory
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"/var" directory is constantly full on Salt Master even after clearing the logs from directory


Article ID: 345983


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VMware VMware Aria Suite


  • "/var" directory is constantly full on Salt Master even after clearing the logs from directory
  • The "/var" directory fills up 100% every other day no matter how many times the logs are cleared
  • The master logs under /var/log/salt/ consumes the maximum space and constantly inflates.
  • If you tail the master logs file under /var/log/salt/ you will debug log entries :

[salt.loaded.ext.module.sseapi_local_queue:83 ][DEBUG  ][53998] queue sseapi-rpc: sql: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM queue

[salt.loaded.ext.module.sseapi_local_queue:80 ][DEBUG  ][53998] queue sseapi-rpc: closed database /var/cache/salt/master/sseapi-rpc.sqlite3

 [salt.loaded.ext.module.sseapi_local_queue:72 ][DEBUG  ][53998] queue sseapi-rpc: opening database /var/cache/salt/master/sseapi-rpc.sqlite3

 [salt.loaded.ext.module.sseapi_local_queue:83 ][DEBUG  ][53998] queue sseapi-rpc: sql: pragma journal_mode=wal



VMware Aria Automation Config 8.x
Salt 3005


  • This happens if the logging level for the appliance is set to debug mode instead of warning or info.


  • The resolution is to set the correct logging level on the salt master appliance.
  • Steps:
  1. Take snapshot of the Salt master appliance.
  2. Login to the salt master as root
  3. Navigate to the /etc/salt/master.d directory:

cd /etc/salt/master.d

  1. Open the master.conf file with vi editor and set the value for log_level_logfile from debug to warning:

vi master.conf

  1. ensure the file has this entry log_level_logfile: warning
  2. save the file
  3. restart the salt-master service :

systemctl restart salt-master.service

Additional Information

  • If not set to correct logging level the /var directory will be filled 100% every now and then.