"Max requests per Instance" not showing while deploying from template on Service broker on VMware Aria Automation
Article ID: 345949
Updated On:
VMware Aria Suite
"Max requests per Instance" not showing while deploying from template on Service broker on VMware Aria Automation 8.x (Formerly VMware vRealize Automation)
This can happen if "Max instance per request" for the template is not configured
If the "deployment count" tab for the catalog has not been added in the custom form for the template , the catalog will be missing this option.
Configure "Max instance per request" for the template.
Add "deployment count" tab for the catalog in the custom form for the template.
Steps :
Login to the Aria Automation UI --> Navigate to Service Broker
Select the catalog and check if the max instance per request is configured :
Select the number of instances per request ( in example we have set as 5) :
Next click on the catalog content and configure the form to include the max instance per request:
Click on the deployment count from inputs on custom form and drag to the canvas to include on catalog and click save.
Now if you launch the catalog from the Service broker you will see the field for max instance per request: