Configuration changes from one Organization in Aria Automation SaaS reflecting incorrectly in another Organization
Article ID: 345948
Updated On:
VMware Aria Suite
Having two or more organizations configured in Aria Automation SaaS can occasionally lead to configuration elements like Names of Cloud Proxies, Projects, etc from one organization show up incorrectly in the other when using multiple browser tabs.
This can lead to unintended operations.
This happens due to Browser cookies when switching between the organizations in the Browser.
There is a workaround.
As a workaround we can use Firefox as it is found to get the best experience for Cloud Services Portal.
Using the native Firefox Container plugin to open different sessions in different tabs on the same browser window can resolve this.
This will help in not needing to have to open multiple browser windows or private sessions to switch Orgs.
In addition, using the Cookies Quick Manager plugin to manage cookies separately in each container.
Therefore, in case we would want to delete the browser cookies just from one of the container sessions we can. We don't have to delete all the browser cookies (like with cookie killer for Chrome).
Additional Information
This can lead to unintended operations and actions being carried out.