When deploying machine resources to AWS cloud accounts, the machines are attached to the VMware Photon Model security group by default on VMware Aria Automation 8.x
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When deploying machine resources to AWS cloud accounts, the machines are attached to the VMware Photon Model security group by default on VMware Aria Automation 8.x


Article ID: 345934


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • When deploying machine resources to AWS cloud accounts, the machines are attached to the VMware Photon Model security group by default on VMware Aria Automation 8.x
  • This can happen when you have not selected any network profile while deploying. 


  • The default VMware Photon Model security group, named "photon-model-sg" is automatically generated by VMware Aria Automation.
This is intentional, as when an AWS machine is provisioned, it must be associated with at least one security group. Alternatively, you can select an existing security group from a list of available resources as part of a VMware Aria Automation network profile. In a cloud template design, you can specify an existing security group either inherently by its membership in a specified network profile or specifically by name using the securityGroupType: existing/On-Demand setting in a security group resource. 

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