NSX UI Outage /Unresponsive with 'Unable to create CompactorLeaderServices object' Error in NSX 4.1.0
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NSX UI Outage /Unresponsive with 'Unable to create CompactorLeaderServices object' Error in NSX 4.1.0


Article ID: 345882


Updated On: 11-05-2024


VMware NSX VMware NSX


Unresponsive NSX UI due to growing /config partition usage and caused CompactorLeaderServices Object Creation Failure

  • NSX Version is 4.1.0
  • /config partition usage consistently grows over time. In a steady state, /config usage should typically be less than 5% . For instance

    # df -h /config
    Filesystem                        Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/nsx-config   29G  4.4G   24G  17% /config


  • Crash hprof files for cbm or proton may be generated. For instance
      # ls -l /image/core/
      -rw------- 1 nsx-cbm nsx-cbm 257201917 May 18 15:49 cbm_oom.hprof
  • The NSX UI might become unresponsive.
  • To identify this issue, the user should observe the message "Unable to create CompactorLeaderServices object" in the /var/log/corfu/corfu-compactor-leader.log file on one of the NSX Managers. An example error message is as follows:
<timestamp>.496Z | ERROR | initializationTaskThread | compactor-leader | Unable to create CompactorLeaderServices object. Will retry on next attempt. Exception:
org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.UnreachableClusterException: Runtime stalled. Invoking systemDownHandler after 60 unsuccessful tries.
        at org.corfudb.infrastructure.ManagementServer.lambda$new$0(ManagementServer.java:99)
        at org.corfudb.runtime.view.AbstractView.layoutHelper(AbstractView.java:176)
        at org.corfudb.runtime.view.AbstractView.layoutHelper(AbstractView.java:61)
        at org.corfudb.runtime.view.SequencerView.lambda$query$2(SequencerView.java:40)
        at io.micrometer.core.instrument.composite.CompositeTimer.record(CompositeTimer.java:57)
        at org.corfudb.common.metrics.micrometer.MicroMeterUtils.lambda$time$6(MicroMeterUtils.java:121)
        at java.util.Optional.map(Optional.java:215)


VMware NSX 4.1.0


This issue occurs due to an unstable underlying infrastructure. 


The issue has been resolved in NSX and higher.


To mitigate the issue temporarily, restart the Corfu server.

root@nsx-manager:~# service corfu-server restart

Additional Information

  • This issue will not impact any other version other than 4.1.0.
    • NSX-T has the fix.
    • corfu-compactor-leader concept was introduced in 4.1.0, this issue will not impact any prior version