The purpose of this KB is to document the Local Manager features that are not supported on Global Manager up until NSX-T 3.1 Version.
Here is the list of Features that are not supported on Global Manager.
Supported Workflow
Features configured on LM and consuming "only" local objects (exactly as non-fed environment config) should continue to work as expected.
Non-Supported Workflow
Features not supported on GM, the below workflows are not supported
Features configured on LM and consuming "global" objects (example: Global segment, Global groups, Global services, Global profiles)
For example - the supported workflow is to create IPFIX profile and collector in a local site. After adding this local site to GM, IPFIX profile still works well. Whereas the non-supported workflow is on LM UI, creating IPFIX profile and apply to global segment port will return error "Local Resources cannot be overridden", hence not supported.
Another example for Load Balancer, the supported workflow is LM T1-LB One-Arm connected to GM-Stretched Segment. But the non-supported workflow is LM Inline LB - connected to GM Logical router is Blocked in the product.