PCoIP not working due to bad config
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PCoIP not working due to bad config


Article ID: 345849


Updated On:




  • PCoIP not working as the re-write was giving the public IP
  • Clients unable to access Horizon since PCoIP communication fails.


  • When the xyz-Horizon Integration is configured using the guide, https://xyz.com/docs/22.1/deploy-xyz-for-load-balancing-uag-servers/, the traffic path is as follows: [Please note that xyz is referring to the organization's name)
    • The client initiates a request to Horizon FQDN on L7 TLS port 443.
    • Depending on the load balancing algorithm configured, 'xyz' picks a UAG server and sends a 307 Redirect to the client.
    • The client sends a new request which is sent to the desired UAG server. Once the authentication is complete, the UAG responds with the IP/FQDN to be used for secondary protocols communication.
    • NSX Advanced Load Balancer parses this response, replace the IP/FQDN and port XML tags with NSX Advanced Load Balancer FQDN and L4 Service port.
  • This XML replacement is done by the content-rewrite rules associated with the VS.
  • The issue is caused when these rules are modified or disorganized.
    • They can get out of order due to multiple updates done on the VS configuration via CLI.


  • We need to ensure that the content rewrite rules are in order.
  • If they are not, follow the steps below to fix them.
    • Remove the rules from the VS.
       [admin:1234]: > configure virtualservice <UAG-L7-VS-Name>
       [admin:1234]: > no content_rewrite
       [admin:1234]: > save
    • Disable/enable the VS and then re-configured the content re-write policy as per the KB - https://xyz.com/docs/22.1/deploy-xyz-for-load-balancing-uag-servers/
    • This is how it should look like
      | content_rewrite                    |                                                                |
      |   rewritable_content_ref           | System-Rewritable-Content-Types                                |
      |   rsp_rewrite_rules[1]             |                                                                |
      |     name                           | System-Standard-Horizon                                        |
      |     enable                         | True                                                           |
      |     index                          | 1                                                              |
      |     pairs[1]                       |                                                                |
      |       search_string                |                                                                |
      |         type                       | SEARCH_REGEX                                                   |
      |         val                        | (<address>)[\s]*(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}[\s]*(</address>) |
      |       replacement_string           |                                                                |
      |         type                       | COMBINATION_STRING                                             |
      |         val                        | ${1}${vs_ip}${2}                                               |
      |     pairs[2]                       |                                                                |
      |       search_string                |                                                                |
      |         type                       | SEARCH_REGEX                                                   |
      |         val                        | (<address>).+?(</address>)                                     |
      |       replacement_string           |                                                                |
      |         type                       | COMBINATION_STRING                                             |
      |         val                        | ${1}${uag_fqdn}${2}                                            |
      |     pairs[3]                       |                                                                |
      |       search_string                |                                                                |
      |         type                       | SEARCH_REGEX                                                   |
      |         val                        | (<port>)[\s]*8443[\s]*(</port>)                                |
      |       replacement_string           |                                                                |
      |         type                       | COMBINATION_STRING                                             |
      |         val                        | ${1}${horizon_blast_port}${2}                                  |
      |     pairs[4]                       |                                                                |
      |       search_string                |                                                                |
      |         type                       | SEARCH_REGEX                                                   |
      |         val                        | (<port>)[\s]*4172[\s]*(</port>)                                |
      |       replacement_string           |                                                                |
      |         type                       | COMBINATION_STRING                                             |
      |         val                        | ${1}${horizon_pcoip_port}${2}                                  |
      |     pairs[5]                       |                                                                |
      |       search_string                |                                                                |
      |         type                       | SEARCH_REGEX                                                   |
      |         val                        | (<server1>)[\s]*(?:https://)?[\w\.-]*:443[\s]*(</server1>)     |
      |       replacement_string           |                                                                |
      |         type                       | COMBINATION_STRING                                             |
      |         val                        | ${1}https://${uag_fqdn}:${horizon_l7_port}${2}                 |