NSXT-E1 NSX 5266 FIREWALL [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-edge" subcomp="datapathd" s2comp="firewallcp" level="ERROR"] DfwChannel: Failed to update dfw cache due to exception: too many TCP/UDP port: 16
NSXT-E1 datapath-systemd-helper 5197 - - <date-time-1> datapathd 5266 firewallcp [ERROR] DfwChannel: Failed to update dfw cache due to exception: too many TCP/UDP port: 16
NSXT-E1 95ddcdc5d374 3459 - - <date-time-2> datapathd 5266 firewallcp [ERROR] DfwChannel: Failed to update dfw cache due to exception: too many TCP/UDP port: 16
NSXT-E1 NSX 3548 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-edge" subcomp="node-mgmt" username="root" level="INFO"] Service datapathd coredump at <date-time-3> file /var/log/core/core.datapathd.<epoch-time>.20851.0.9.gz
VMware NSX
The Central Control Plane (CCP) computed the Downlink port as part of Distributed Firewall Rule's span when the Logical switch / Logical Switch Port (LSP) is used in the Firewall Rule's "Applied To" field.
As a result, DFW Rules are sent to EdgeNode in error. If one of the rules pushed to Edge has the wrong parameters, it may result in a perpetual dataplane crash.
This issue is resolved in NSX 4.1.x and 3.2.3 onwards.
In NSX-T 3.2.2, a validation has been implemented to prevent more than 15 logical switch ports being added and will result in an alert similar to:
"Number of values (ranges count as 2 values) in a source/destination ports {port count}. It should not exceed 15."
In NSX 3.2.2, a validation has been added that checks the port count is smaller than or equal to 15. If the port count is greater than 15, then it will fail and return the following error message: "Number of values (ranges count as 2 values) in a source/destination ports {port count}. It should not exceed 15."
To avoid the Edge data path crash, verify that no FW rules contain more than 15 ports. For example: If the port range 1-3 is specified, the rule has 2 ports. Divide the rule into multiple rules if the rule requires more than 15 ports.
The dataplane on the edge node is not functional and therefore will impact services.