Title: Alarm for GM to LM data synchronization error Event ID: gm_to_lm_synchronization_error Alarm Description:
Purpose: Data is not getting replicated between Global Manager (GM) and Local Manager (LM) for an extended period.
Impact: Any new intent created on GM will not be visible on LM.
VMware NSX-T Data Center
Steps to resolve For 3.2.0 and above
Recommended Action:
Check the network connectivity between remote site and local site via ping.
Ensure port TCP/1236 traffic is allowed between the local and remote sites.
Ensure the async-replicator service is running on both local and remote sites.
Invoke the GET /api/v1/node/services/async_replicator/status NSX API or the get service async_replicator NSX CLI command to determine if the service is running.
If not running, invoke the POST /api/v1/node/services/async_replicator?action=restart NSX API or the restart service async_replicator NSX CLI to restart the service.
Check /var/log/async-replicator/ar.log to see if there are errors reported.
Collect a support bundle and contact the NSX support team.
Maintenance window required for remediation? No
Additional Information
If you contact support for this issue, please include the following data:
NSX Manager Logs from all 3 Manager nodes in both the LM and GM NSX clusters.
ESXi host logs where Manager nodes are deployed in each environment.
vCenter server logs from the respective vSphere environments where the NSX managers are deployed.