This issue is resolved in the Telco cloud automation 2.2.0
We need to remove duplicate entry from mongodb for v1 cluster and you will need to follow this steps:
On TCA-M appliance management UI verify that the cluster is show green.
On TCA-M mongodb operation:
1) SSH to the TCA-M
2) Connect to mongo :-> mongo hybridity
3) Check the VimStats Collection :-> db.VimStats.find().pretty()
4) Verify the above command output : look for "vimUrl" & "vimConnectionStatus" attributes.
5) For the vimUrl that is show as disconnected on TCA-M UI, verify that vimConnectionStatus is "connectionError" in the above output.
5) delete the stale entry :-> db.VimStats.remove({"vimUrl" : "<THE vimUrl Value>"})
for example :-> db.VimStats.remove({"vimUrl" : ""})
6) Repeat the same steps on TCA-CP.
7) Refresh the TCA-M UI to validate VIM is now shown as connected.