How to manually update the airgap FQDN in TCA-CP database for TCA (2.0, 2.1.x or 2.2)
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How to manually update the airgap FQDN in TCA-CP database for TCA (2.0, 2.1.x or 2.2)


Article ID: 345731


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VMware VMware Telco Cloud Automation


This document contains the procedure to update the database manually with the airgapFqdn in the ApplianceConfig table on TCA-CP (where workload cluster is configured) .

  1. Trying to open terminal for a workload cluster from TCA UI fails abruptly due to associated pods trying to pull images from public jfrog repo in an airgapped env.
  2. Running diagnosis tests for a mgmt/workload cluster from TCA UI fails due to associated pods trying to pull images from public jfrog repo in an airgapped env.


VMware Telco Cloud Automation 2.2
VMware Telco Cloud Automation 2.1


Airgap Server FQDN is missing for clusters in the database of TCA Control plane node. This could happen after cluster certs are renewed using manual/automated work arounds provided.


Update Airgap FQDN for management cluster in TCA-CP DB
  1. SSH login to the TCA-CP where cluster is configured.
             Connect to the mongo database using the following command:  
      mongo hybridity
  1. Verify that the record exists
      db.ApplianceConfig.find({"config.clusterName": "<cluster_Name>"}).pretty();
                Check the entries for the cluster, you will find Airgap entry is missing.
  1. Run the following command on the mongo shell to update the airgap fqdn for the cluster(s)
      db.ApplianceConfig.update({"config.clusterName": "<cluster_name>"}, {$set: { "config.airgapFqdn": "<airgap_fqdn>" }});

Below is the example of the DB entry before and after the changes:
Before adding airgap FQDN:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("63ee0fced91947fc27f9b96d"), "config" : { "url" : "[|]", "clusterName" : "ci-pip-5g-ccdm-01", , "UUID" : "a7640b6b-f3b5-4a6d-98f3-b19e16c6dbe2", "version" : "1.22", "kubeSystemUUID" : "9f24e947-61bc-46c3-874f-2a430554befb", "clusterType" : "WORKLOAD" } , "section" : "kubernetes", "enterprise" : "HybridityAdmin", "organization" : "HybridityAdmin", "lastUpdated" : ISODate("2024-03-20T07:59:24.211Z"), "lastUpdateEnterprise" : "HybridityAdmin", "lastUpdateOrganization" : "HybridityAdmin", "lastUpdateUser" : "HybridityAdmin", "creationDate" : ISODate("2023-02-16T11:13:18.802Z"), "creationEnterprise" : "HybridityAdmin", "creationOrganization" : "HybridityAdmin", "creationUser" : "HybridityAdmin", "isDeleted" : false }

 After updating the changes in DB:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("63ee0fced91947fc27f9b96d"), "config" : { "url" : "[|]",       "clusterName" : "ci-pip-5g-ccdm-01","kubeconfig" : "",  "UUID" : "a7640b6b-f3b5-4a6d-98f3-b19e16c6dbe2", "version" : "1.22", "kubeSystemUUID" : "9f24e947-61bc-46c3-874f-2a430554befb",   "clusterType" : "WORKLOAD", "airgapFqdn" : "[|]"         } ,         "section" : "kubernetes",         "enterprise" : "HybridityAdmin",         "organization" : "HybridityAdmin",         "lastUpdated" : ISODate("2024-03-20T07:59:24.211Z"),         "lastUpdateEnterprise" : "HybridityAdmin",         "lastUpdateOrganization" : "HybridityAdmin",         "lastUpdateUser" : "HybridityAdmin",         "creationDate" : ISODate("2023-02-16T11:13:18.802Z"),         "creationEnterprise" : "HybridityAdmin",         "creationOrganization" : "HybridityAdmin",         "creationUser" : "HybridityAdmin",         "isDeleted" : false }

Additional Information

Impacts Telco Cloud Automation 2.0, 2.1.x, and 2.2.