TCA 2.1 - Post transformation of a CaaS Cluster, edit operations fails if the Cluster and its Management Cluster are deployed on two different vCenters
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TCA 2.1 - Post transformation of a CaaS Cluster, edit operations fails if the Cluster and its Management Cluster are deployed on two different vCenters


Article ID: 345724


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VMware VMware Telco Cloud Automation


To provide workaround steps to avoid these day-2 operation failures.

Post transformation of a workload cluster that is associated to a TCA-CP other than that of management cluster, all day-2 operations like edit cluster/nodepool, create nodepool, etc. fails.


VMware Telco Cloud Automation 2.1


During transformation of workload cluster, the vCenterPrime CR is wrongly created with management cluster's vCenter details. Due to this day-2 operations fail with error like "Datacenter not found".


VMware is aware of this issue as reported in TCA 2.1 and fixed in upcoming TCA 2.1.1 , current workaround is available as mentioned below to address the issue.

To prevent the day-2 operation failures on such transformed clusters, following workaround steps has to be executed once per management cluster post at least one cluster transformation.

Step 1. Collect the following values:

A. hcxUUID of TCA-CP where workload cluster is deployed
  1. SSH login to TCA-M

  2. Connect to mongo shell using command: mongo hybridity

  3. Identify the TCA-CP vim name where the workloadcluster is deployed and put it in the following query:

    db.VimTenants.find({"vimName": "__fill_tca-cp_vim-name_here__"}).pretty();

    and run the query.

  4. The result will contain "hcxUUID"

B. vCenter host of TCA-CP where workload cluster is deployed:
  1. SSH login to TCA-CP, where workload cluster is deployed

  2. Connect to mongo shell using command: mongo hybridity

  3. Run the following query:

    db.ApplianceConfig.find({"section": "vcenter"}).pretty();

  4. The result will contain "url". Url will look like this: "https://__vcenter_fqdn_or_ip__". Extract the host value, which is __vcenter_fqdn_or_ip__

C. SHA1 Fingerprint of vCenter:
  1. SSH login to vCenter Server Appliance as root user

  2. Execute the following command in shell:

    openssl x509 -in /etc/vmware-vpx/ssl/rui.crt -fingerprint -sha1 -noout

  3. The result will contain SHA1 Fingerprint. It will look like this  :    

Step 2. Update the vCenterPrime CR:

 1. SSH login to TKG management cluster, which is managing the concerned workload cluster using capv user

  2. Execute following command:

    kubectl get tkc __fill_workload_luster_name_here__ -n __fill_workload_luster_name_here__ -oyaml

  3. From the result get the VCenterPrime name. It will be under spec > cloudProviders > primeRef > name. It should look like this: p-59fc78cd83f58ea4781bfa1ce788c47f

  4. Execute following command next:

    kubectl get VCenterPrime -n tca-system __fill_vcenterprime_name_here__ -oyaml

  5. From the result get the datacenter name. It will be under spec > subConfig > datacenter

  6. Paste the following content in a new file (lets say filename.yaml). (Update the required fields with appropriate values)

kind: VCenterPrime
    tca-Id: __fill_hcxUUID_here__
    tca-datacenter: __fill_datacenter_name_here__
  name: __fill_vcenterprime_name_here__
  namespace: tca-system
    address: __fill_venter_host_here__
      kind: Secret
      # following name should look like this p-59fc78cd83f58ea4781bfa1ce788c47f-secret
      name: __fill_vcenterprime_name_here__-secret
      namespace: tca-system
    datacenter: __fill_datacenter_name_here__
    thumbprint: __fill_sha1_fingerprint_here__

  7. Execute following command next:

    kubectl delete VCenterPrime -n tca-system __fill_vcenterprime_name_here__

     This should delete the VCenterPrime CR. (To confirm, you can run Step 2.4 again, this time it should say not found)

  8. Next, execute this:

    kubectl apply -f filename.yaml

This should create the VCenterPrime CR. (To validate, run Step 2.4 again. You can also verify the status under status section. "phase" should be "Succeeded")

After execution of the workaround, the day-2 operations will no longer fail.