Switch cluster context using kubectl command
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Switch cluster context using kubectl command


Article ID: 345713


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VMware Telco Cloud Automation


To provide a workaround in case customer/dev faces issue to query kubernetes resoures using kubectl command from bootstrapper VM/tca-cp

After a few rounds of deploy/undeploy of clusters, cluster context is not set correctly. Querying of cluster resources using kubectl does not work as expected.


After a few rounds of deploy/undeploy of clusters, cluster context is not set correctly.


This will be fixed in Telco Cloud Automation 3.0

As a workaround user needs to switch to the right cluster context using the following steps:

1. SSH to the TCA-CP/bootstrapper VM as admin

2. Switch to root user.

3. Use kubectl command below to query for all the cluster contexts.
kubectl config get-contexts

4. Switch to the desired cluster context using the command below.
kubectl config use-context context_name

5. Verify context switch operation by querying for k8s resources available within the cluster.
kubectl get api-resource-name -n namespace" / "kubectl get api-resource-name -A